It’s an exciting time to be creative in Toronto. Along with big budget movie makers, Netflix, Apple, Disney and HBO have all recently flocked here, making ‘Hollywood North’ a thriving entertainment hub.
From film to gaming to fashion, Toronto Film School has been outputting the talent that forms the backbone of the city’s creative industries for decades. However, the school needed to demonstrate that it too has evolved in order to attract the next generation of creative talent.
Engaged to transform the Toronto Film School brand from the ground up while attracting prospective students, we recognized that choosing a school is both an emotional and rational choice. We decided to lead with emotional stories, while appealing to the rational side (and parents) by building those stories around successful graduates of the school, encouraging prospective students to think ‘Toronto Film School will help make me a success.’
Hundreds of assets were created across video, print brochures, website, online banners, emails and more, for both TFS and sister school Yorkville University – driving the most leads for enrolment the school has seen since it began measurement.
Brochure cover concepts
Website campus tour
Online banners
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